Spanish Fork and Mapleton- Water Reclamation Facility
The Spanish Fork and Mapleton water reclamation facility solids handling retrofit project is now underway! Initial work consists of an immediate upgrade to the solids handling and dewatering facilities. Digester 1 will be retrofit to an aerated solids holding tank with diffused air for mixing and aeration. A decanter will be provided to thicken the solids and send supernatant back to the treatment process. Future work consists of the furnishing and installing of all labor and materials for the construction of the offsite gravity sewer trunklines that will direct flow from existing gravity sewer trunklines to the future Spanish Fork & Mapleton WRF, as well as from the future Spanish Fork & Mapleton WRF to the downstream effluent
pipe that conveys treated water to Dry Creek. The work also includes the installation of two double barrel siphons that will convey sewer flow and treated sewer flow under existing railroads.